COLD BURN - Dream is Over
COLD BURN - Dream is Over
GNGR161 // released February 14, 2025
Kultni beogradski crossover hardcore/metal/reggae bend Eyesburn je u periodu od Aprila 2015. godine do Jula 2016. nastupao u svojevrsnoj hardcore all-star postavi koju su pored frontmena Nemanje Kojića (vokal, gitara, trombon) bili još i Zoran Đuroski aka Misterious (Svarog, Brainstorm, Overdose, Minimum, Necrophilia) na gitari, Slobodan Đukić aka Jimi Triple B (In From The Cold, Hang, Hitman, Drawbacks, Jimi Triple B's 666 Blues Band...itd) na bass gitari i vokalima i Boris Usanović aka Count Boris (In From The Cold, Hang, Through Art, Jimi Triple B's 666 Blues Band) na bubnjevima. Pored desetina koncerata koje su odsvirali u regionu, ovaj sastav je napisao materijal za novi Eyesburn album i započeo snimanje istog. Sa prestankom rada benda u ovoj postavi, stalo se i snimanjem novih pesama. Ukupno je zabeleženo 5 kompozicija, od kojih je jedna izašla kao video singl pod imenom ''Dream Is Over''. Ostatak materijala je jednostavno arhiviran u studiju ''Blaze'' gde se i snimao album. Krajem leta 2023. Kojot i Jimi su ponovo preslušali te pesme i shvatili da bi bilo šteta da ih publika ne čuje i u dogovoru sa ostalim članovima su pozvali producenta Miloša Mihajlovića iz pomenutog studija ''Blaze'' i zamolili ga da ''iskopa'' trake sa snimanja i započne mix i master mini albuma koji je dobio ime po prvom singlu ''Dream Is Over''. Među pesmama se nalazi i obrada benda In From The Cold ''Rainy Days''. Početkom 2024. godine je dosnimljena još jedna kompozicija pod imenom ''Don't You Leave Me Alone'', tako da album na kraju broji 6 pesama. Izdanje su nazvali Cold Burn, jer je bend u suštini i bio kombinacija članova Eyesburn i In From The Cold (Zoran Đuroski je bio dugogodišnji tonac Eyesburna, a negde između albuma ''How Much For Freedom?'' (2005) i ''Reality Check'' (2013) je postao i gitarista).
Cult Belgrade crossover hardcore/metal/reggae band Eyesburn performed in the period from April 2015 to July 2016 in a kind of hardcore all-star line-up, which in addition to frontman Nemanja Kojić (vocals, guitar, trombone) also included Zoran Đuroski aka Mysterious (Svarog, Brainstorm, Overdose, Minimum, Necrophilia) on guitar, Slobodan Đukić aka Jimi Triple B (In From The Cold, Hang, Hitman, Drawbacks, Jimi Triple B's 666 Blues Band...etc) on bass guitar and vocals and Boris Usanović aka Count Boris (In From The Cold, Hang, Through Art, Jimi Triple B's 666 Blues Band) on drums. In addition to dozens of concerts they played in the region, this band wrote material for the new Eyesburn album and started recording it. With the termination of the band's work in this line-up, the recording of new songs also stopped. A total of 5 compositions were recorded, one of which was released as a video single under the name "Dream Is Over". The rest of the material was simply archived in the Blaze studio, where the album was recorded. At the end of the summer of 2023, Coyote and Jimi listened to those songs again and realized that it would be a shame if the audience didn't hear them, and in agreement with the other members, they called the producer Miloš Mihajlović from the upper mentioned studio "Blaze" and asked him to "dig out" the tapes from the recording sessions and start the mixing and mastering process of the mini-album, which was named after the first single "Dream Is Over". The album also includes a cover of the band In From The Cold, a song called ''Rainy Days''. At the beginning of 2024, another composition called "Don't You Leave Me Alone" was recorded, so the album eventually has 6 songs. In the end, they named the release Cold Burn, because the band was essentially a combination of Eyesburn and In From The Cold members (Zoran Đuroski was Eyesburn's long-time sound engineer and somewhere between the albums ``How Much For Freedom?'' (2005) and "Reality Check'' (2013) he also became a guitarist).
Nemanja Kojić aka Coyote - lead vocals, guitars, trombone, backing vocals
Zoran Đuroski aka Mysterious - guitars
Slobodan Đukić aka Jimi Triple B - bass guitar, acoustic guitars, ukulele, additional electric guitars, lead vocals, backing vocals
Boris Usanović aka Count Boris - drums, percussion
Engineered by Miloš Mihajlović and Cold Burn.
All songs mixed and mastered by Miloš Mihajlović, except ''Don't You Leave Me Alone'', mixed by Vladimir Krkljuš aka Mr. K.
Track Listing
- Drifter
- Initiation
- Side by Side
- Rainy Days (Revisited)
- Don't You Leave Me Alone
- Dream is Over